17 April 2012


The long break from painting & gaming continues. But I actually did something! TWO somethings!

First up, Teclis. This is for the same client/friend I've painted for before. The base isn't finished in the photo (its downstairs drying right now.)

While I was waiting for washes, glue, etc. to dry, I also finished up the last figure from the second Townsfolk pack from Reaper. Not my best work, as it was a bit rushed.

Otherwise, things continuing as before. Life is dominated by baby and work, both of which are growing quite well.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we've got to move. the good news is that we found a new place. It's nicer than where we're at now, and has more room, all for about the same price. I will also be much closer to the Cleveland game stores (which are all on the west side of town) as well as most of our friends, including the other Cleveland gamers I know. The down side is that both of our jobs, and the babysitter are all now 30 minutes away. My job is actually flexible, and I can work near home on days where I don't need to take Abby to the babysitter. The other gaming related down side is that I am now even further away from my old gaming group (the guys from the Twinsburg Wargame Association.)


  1. Both are lovely. Even if that isn´t your best work the reaper elfin looks great

  2. Great job on those, and for putting brush to figure at all. Hopefully in your new place you will have a little area for painting.
