A good deal of my time in the attic this month is going to be taken up by vinyl toys rather than miniatures. (Sorry dwarf swivel guns, you'll have to wait.) I've had a number of projects falling behind because I couldn't get enough big stretches of completely free time to do some time consuming -- and pretty messy -- sculpting. With the weather getting colder, deadlines for art shows looming, and commission projects long overdue, I decided it was time to take a little time away from my day job so I could work on this, and do all of the sanding involved in the process outdoors while the weather was still cooperative. So now I am doing the painting and detail sculpting/modeling when I would normally be painting miniatures. (Or, rather, I have been painting miniature a lot because I haven't had the long stretches of time required to prep the vinyl until now.)
At any rate, I'm part of Team North America for the "Space Crab Wars" going on at the
Martian Toys booth at this year's
Designer Con in Pasadena later this month. That's the project I'm currently scrambling to finish...
After that, I've also got some (long) overdue work on a private commission project to finish, and then a few other commissions that have been backed up behind that.
If you happen to be interested in custom vinyl & resin toys & sculpts,
I have moved my alter ego's web site to blogger now, as well as a gallery there (which is really just a link to my photos on Google+)
We will return to your regularly scheduled miniatures shortly. Shortly-ish. Still thinking about Deadcember.