14 January 2023


As 2022 got busy, I slacked off updating this blog and various ongoing threads at the Lead Adventure Forum. I still shared pics on Instagram, and occasionally on a couple of FB groups. But those social media outlets have been less than satisfying.

So I'm aiming to get back to the blog and LAF more.

Part of my atonement, apparently, is catching up. I recently shared a photo of Owlbro's new family, but now realize I never shared Owlbro himself! He's a resin figure from Westfalia Miniatures. I'm honestly not even sure why I bought an Owlbro in the first place. But it was a fun figure to paint and looks pretty cool. And, per the Christmas update, he now has a family.

1 comment:

  1. Second photo caption: "what arms bro, do you even lift?"

    great work by the way.
