01 May 2016

End of the Giant Month, More Terrain Materials

Illness, back problems, and other distractions have kept me from even my reduced goal (3 giants instead of 4) for the month. But I'm OK with that. I got motivated enough to paint up some giant-- the skeleton is entirely done, the Marauder giant is completely painted and just needs the base finished, the Ultraforge giant is over halfway done, and the Warploque giant... well, maybe I will get those last two finished in May.

And, as promised, here's a pic with my other, previously painted giants.

I also had requests for better shots of the water terrain. (Unfortunately, this goes the other direction and is a bit too much sunlight.)

Speaking of... I took a little bit of time earlier in the week before the weather got rainy to cut some more terrain. I could't find any hardboard to match what I was using. So I got some 1/4" MDF (a little thicker) for more rivers and some 1/8" hardboard to see how that works out for other terrain -- starting with some dirt/mud roads.


  1. They all look so great.

    I hope you have a giant giant smack-down game: boulders flying, villages crushed, lots of professional wrestling moves, that sort of thing.

    1. I was thinking of giants attacking a halfling village. But now that you describe it that way, maybe the halflings should have some big allies of their own. :D
