11 March 2018

KoW in a Week

Photo of most of what I plan on fielding for KoW next weekend. Not quite enough Fomorians/Fimir, so I'm using the trolls I just painted, going heavy on the big guys, and (not pictured) a regiment of half orc allies. (Using the KoW ogre list, with human allies for the half-orcs.)

Click photo to enlarge, as usual.


  1. That’s a fine body of painting! Hope you have an excellent game.

  2. That looks really impressive, Zero, and the wee display board they’re on compliments them nicely. Must be quite satisfy seeing such nice work arrayed like this!

    1. Thanks. Unfortunately most of the time I paint minis then they get put away in boxes in a damp cellar, rarely to emerge. This weekend I have plans to play some games, though -- so hopefully some of them see the light for a while!

  3. Looking good. I just caught up with the blog and enjoyed seeing the progress on those Drew Williams sculpts. I'm also looking forward to the return of Map-o-tron. I'll also take a look at whiz kids. Lots of great stuff.

    1. Thanks. I've got the map making urge, but.... not sure if/when that will pan out. To be honest, it's mostly wishful thinking.
