I'm painting like a madman. Or a sane man feeling slightly mad due to sleep deprivation because he's up late painting. Here's some shots of my progress as of 1:30 am last night:

Almost finished with the archers, I think that will have to be good enough. I will give the bases a quick basecoat of color, then go back and finish that and the little details on the figures at a later time. I'll just put these guys in the back ranks, behind the completely finish archers.

Assorted figures. I'll finish these tonight.

The hopeless pikemen. No way I will even get close to finishing these. I think a couple of quick blocks of color on the figures an the bases will be as good as they get. Disappointing, because I think they will look cool when they are done. And everyone knows, well painted figures do better.
Who knows, maybe tonight will be super-productive.
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