01 March 2011

1:1 Scale But Still "Miniature"

Over the weekend my wife and I got our first look at "the new project" that will presumably take up a lot of my time later in the year. A friend's sister is an ultrasound tech and gave us a look ahead of our official ultrasound at the doctor's office (coming up sometime the next week or two.)

Everything looks good, and from what she could tell it looks like we are having a girl. I'm hoping that she will be "that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books." I'll certainly give her a little nudge in that direction.


  1. "I'm hoping that she will be "that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books." I'll certainly give her a little nudge in that direction."

    Its amazing how little input a parent has on that. Although I will say, at some point they all like to play with Daddy's army men.

  2. Congrats.

    and awesome to see a quote from "little wars". It's surprising how few know what that it, and who wrote it :)

  3. Indeed, congrats... ours just got accepted for secondary school: man, time flies.

    I didn't spot it as Wells, but I'd have pegged it as Arthur Ransome if you'd forced me. He had a similar tone :D

  4. Congratulations. Really quite breath taking isn't it? :-)

  5. Congratulations !!!! ;)

