05 July 2011


Employment and financial problems continue. Its looking like I will be selling off a lot of my gaming stuff. I will be posting a list of all my Skaven figures in the near future, and probably sell them unit by unit. I have some more difficult choices after that, but I think the next two on the sales floor may be the Man-O-War collection and the Burgundian army. I will probably try to sell each of those as single lots first. I'm going to try to hang on to the ancients as long as possible, before getting desperate enough to part with them.

It sounds like the RPG campaign may be winding down already, too. I'm a bit down about that. We only manage to get together maybe once a month (originally started as every second week) and a couple of the players have jumped into a more modern game elsewhere. I've been enjoying the RPG "flashback" and it has been a good way to unwind.

I (still) haven't painted any figures recently, but I have been doing other painting. This weekend I painted the (soon to arrive) baby's room. We're going with a whimsical enchanted forest theme. The past few months I've also been working on some cartoon-y paintings to hang in the room. I've had to squeeze out some free time where ever I can, but I've got three of the planned four done already. The baby is due sometime in the next few weeks. So it will be a race to get the last one done!

"Seem What the Owls Are Not," "The Rabbit, The Treefish and the Inchworm," and "Flight of the Cuttlefish." I've gone through a pile of ideas for the fourth one but I think it will end up being a partner for the center one. I told my wife I could probably keep going and cover the walls, given time and materials to do so. I'm contemplating scaling that down, though, and instead making a (or several) home made children's story book(s) instead.


  1. Those paintings are very nice!The baby will really like them. I hope you find work soon.


  2. Sorry to hear that work still is not there.

    Those paintings are lovely, and I am sure that the baby will appreciate them... eventually.

    (and you should consider selling some Etsy)

  3. Well, I do have work/a job for the past few months. The major problem is the pay. There are far too many people in my line of work looking for a job, and as a result we are fighting for jobs that pay are now paying less than half what I was making a year or two ago (which wasn't spectacular to begin with) because of the glut in "labor." So I'm working my ass off and still falling dangerously behind in my bills, even after cutting back on all expenses possible.

    My conscience is also a bit guilty because by taking these white collar sweat-shop positions, I'm contributing to creating the situation we're all in, and putting others who were previously making a decent wage out of work.

    As far as Etsy, I signed up for an account a while ago, but haven't had time to really "set up shop." I do sell a bit of art, occasionally, at some of the local/regional galleries. Haven't had enough time to really produce as much as I'd like to, recently.

    Sad, since I've had a lot of ideas rolling around in my head. In fact, my wife and I have talked about the potential "commercial" (in a small scale sense) viability of some of them. But as much as I'd like to chase around the "maybe" of selling art, I've had to focus on the "definite" of regular weekly wages.
