29 July 2011

Two New Little People

Two new additions to the household. One significantly more important than the other.

First is our daughter, Abigail, born Thursday morning at 12:08am. She's beautiful, healthy and happy -- as is her mother. She is our first (only?) child, and has already captured her fathers heart.

On a less profound note.... the day before the baby arrived, I painted a hobbit figure I picked up from Reaper Miniatures, to use as my character in our RPG campaign. Nob Scrobbleton, rustic but ambitious hobbit trader of herbs and other exotic commodities, turned adventurer.


  1. Congratulations on your new baby daughter!

  2. Congrats on the birth of your daughter!! Nice figure too, remember keep it safe, there will be no hiding place good enough.......anymore!!

  3. Congratulations on the new addition to your family; if she ends up using make-up brushes, just remember that they are also great for drybrushing terrain!

  4. Congratulations with the birth of your new daughter !

    And very nice mini. Well done. Greetz

  5. Congratulations! Very cute. Hopefully delivery was not too difficult. Abigail is a great name too.

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Ray: My painting space has already been moved out of the house. I do most of my gaming elsewhere, but I'm going to look into an off-site gaming space soon. But as soon as she's old enough, I will still try to teach her some games. ;)

    Lasgunpacker: Well, I was kind of tired, but I guess delivery was OK. Oh... wait, you mean my wife? Yeah, it was a little more effort for her. ;)

    The almost 9.5lb baby was a bit of a surprise, though the doctor said her estimate was 8lb earlier in the day.

  7. Congrats on the new baby (cute and asleep, a winning combination in my book!)
