16 April 2015

Caller's Beast & Giant

I stole a series of 5 & 10 minute breaks throughout the last few days to put some paint and a series of washes/glazes on the Caller's beast. This is a bit of a new technique to me -- I've been using it to an extent on all of the undead, but for decades I've been more of layering & blending style painter, and have stayed away from doing many washes. But I'm learning to love it!

However, I've got mixed feelings on how this particular figure turned out. It's not really a subject that should be too colorful, but also felt like it needed a bit more color than the washed out look of most of the rest of what I've done. Hopefully it doesn't look too out of place once the army is filled out.

While I was basing it up, I also finished the base on a previously painted Undeadish giant.

For reference, the giant is on a 50x50 base, the Caller's beast (I need a new name for it) is on a 50x100.


  1. I sort of like that it is so red compared to everything else... being actually dead, and just rotting muscles helps.

    If you did want to tone it down, you could probably layer in some greenish to show it rotting. I would not decide though until you get everything else done, and look at in context.

  2. Thanks! I agree, I'm going to wait and see how it looks in the larger context. I've got a lot of my ideas, colors, etc. planned out but there are still bound to be more odds & ends like this little fella.

  3. That beast is a really interesting model. Where does it come from?

  4. It's the mount from a Necromunda character called The Caller, by Citadel/GW. (After the game went to their Specialist Games department? Not sure, but it was after Necromunda died out in my group.)

  5. It's the mount from a Necromunda character called The Caller, by Citadel/GW. (After the game went to their Specialist Games department? Not sure, but it was after Necromunda died out in my group.)

  6. http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/File:Necromunda_The_Caller.jpg

  7. http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/File:Necromunda_The_Caller.jpg
