05 August 2016

The Unpacking Continues - Lost Causes Unearthed

More unpacking. But I'm slowly getting a multi purpose computer-work/art-work desk together. We'll see how this goes, it's going to be a major change in the way I work .

At any rate, I've also been uncovering various odds & ends as I've been unpacking. Here are a few things on my to-do list for years, for the Marienburg army.

First is a quick color study for the old metal "Elector Count on Griffin" miniature. It's my favorite version of the Citadel Imperial griffin, I like the lean feline predator look of the body. At any rate, I was looking at alternate color schemes to fit better with the Marienburgers. Something coastal and cool. At this point, I don't recall the real-world birds I pulled this idea from, but here's my quick paint test.

I've also got a few more designs for standards waiting to be painted. These obviously aren't detailed, just the general layout of the major element or elements. More like reminders than even a rough draft.

This last one is hard to see, but started to get drawn out in larger size with layered watercolor & tracing paper before I decided I didn't like the proportions. But I've had plans to revisit the idea... for years.

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