03 May 2009

Numidian WIP

Other things came up today and I didn't spend the time I thought I would on the Numidian cavalry, but here's a shot of where they're at now. I need to do their tunics, shields & weapons, and the bases.

I've also tried out some new (to me) image editing software. I've been used to Phnotoshop from school and work, but I'm not going to spend that much on something for casual home use. I've been struggling with the GIMP, which is a freeware alternative. But the interface and some of the functions are just really horrible.

On the advice of a friend, I just installed Paint.net:


So far I'm pretty happy with it, as far as a basic image editor goes. It seems very intuitive, especially for someone used to Phnotoshop, but easy enough for someone who's never used an editor before.


  1. Nice painting! I use paint.net, too.

  2. Ditto what BigRed said.
    I've been using Paint.net for about a year now as my day to day photo tool.
