As implied in my last entry, I'm now unemployed. More or less. I'm jumping on some painting commissions, so I have once again been painting. 98% of it has not been my own figures, but paining makes me happier than sitting in front of a computer all day. So it's not neccessarily a bad thing. After all, I need to do something for income. If things work out, maybe I will stick with painting for a while. It's a bit of an uncertain venture, but less so than total unemployment. (I'm still pursuing some other options as well.)
I will be working in some figures of my own at some point. In the meantime, I did paint one figure for myself. Very quickly. I had already done the conversion and the flesh, so I quickly added a bit of color and the base. It was a broken Empire handgunner. I'm not even certain where/how I came into possession of this figure. So I cut off the front of a crossbow from the militia sprue and glued it on where the barrel of the gun used to be. Yes, he's got his little shot packages... I didn't think about that until I was actually painting the figure. But I think once he's in a unit of crossbowmen, he'll just blend in. I'll probably stick him in the back rank anyway.

But if you stick him in the back, you'll be able to see his shot-packages :) I like it man, and it's possible he threw down his spent matchlock and picked up a crossbow! Good stuff!